Moonberry Jam Biscuits

Hello Everyone! Here's my promised post about the marionberry Jam biscuits I got yesterday from the store!

You may have noticed the title of this post is one of my most favorite desserts in The Fall of Notsfe, the moon berry jam biscuit.

Moonberry jam biscuits are a fairly common pastry in the city of Napsfeyne, and much loved by the Princess, Lilith.

These amazing biscuits were inspired by none other than..... MARIONBERRY JAM BISCUITS!

Wanna guess why? 

Marionberry jam biscuits have been my absolute favorite treat for a few years and it wasn't until a few months BC (before covid (maybe it should be BQ for "before quarantine")) that I found out the real name.

"What can I get you today?" Says the lady behind the counter of the baked sweets.

"One moon berry jam biscuit please," I say happily, completely unaware of their true name. Yes of course I can read, and yes they had a label. I truly do not know why I always thought it was moon berry.

"One Marion jam biscuit." The lady confirms.

There you have it, the first time I realized.

For the longest time I thought it was moon berry, and from there, the princess's favorite treat.

Behold, the beloved moon berry that is actually marion berry jam biscuit:


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