Interview with a Pot
My interview is with: Jonna,
J: Jonna
Int: Interviewer
An introduction/greeting:
Transcript from official Podcast:
Int: Hello Jonna welcome to the show
J: It's a pleasure being here.
Int: So- uh- why don't we start with a quick introduction, sort of explain to the audience, who you are and uh- how you came to be?
J: Uh yeah sure, hello everyone, my name is Jonna, with a Joe...and then a na. (Int laughs weakly) (Jonna acknowledges no one thought that was funny and clears his throat to move on) My name is Jonna, I am a handbuilt pot, about the size of a human fist, I was raku fired at a very young age and I now am used to hold a succulent which is dying slowly.
Int: Interesting! Tell us about other pots or sculptures of your kind.
J: Oh yes, well I like to think that I am very unique, the person who made me could never create an exact replica- although I do know of a few other pieces in the shed-not as important as me clearly since they have yet to be glaze fired. Did I mention I was Raku fired?
Int: Uh yes-
J: Raku firing is when you are put in a kiln and then taken out before you've cooled down and then catching paper on fire- It’s truly a wonderful experience. I would recommend it to any bisque ware.
Int: Lovely, why don’t you tell us a bit about how and where you were made? What you are made of?
J: Well it’s all really simple, I was made a few months ago-at that time I was just clay, you know, and I wasn’t too sure what would become of me, I feel like my personality didn’t really start to show until I was completed (after the raku firing). I was once a ball of raku clay, always known I was destined for the flames. You know sometimes pots like me, they let it all get to their heads, those ones break in the firing. But not me, I am strong- and I was brave- and I-
Int: Yes, yes, um why don’t we move on to another question.
J: (mummers something)
Int: Uhm what was that, sir?
J: Nothing, continue.
Int: Alright then, tell us about your purpose, what you want from life, what you have from life.
J: Oh yes of course. Daily, well truly more like 24/7 (scoffs), I am used to house a succulent. A sad little thing. Rarely is watered enough. Probably molding on the inside. Quite disturbing, yes. But one must go through pain for beauty, I believe it adds to my complexion.
Int: Oh yes I can see that, it does look very lovely.
J: why thank you, I do agree.
Int: So what are your plans for the future? IT seems like you do not quite enjoy housing the succulent, so why don't you tell us what you would rather be doing instead?
J: Ah yes, well I’ve always wanted to be on stage, I’m quite the comedy lover, you know, I would very much like to be on a comedy stage, In the background of course, on a decorative shelf next to some books. I would love to just stand there, And I wouldn’t even mind having a succulent, (so long as it is well kept for) and simply watch show after show. People would all be looking at me before the comedian came on, a little attention never killed anybody.
Int: Fascinating, so You like attention, I would take a wild guess?
J: Oh posh, but yes I do.
Int: Lovely. Well, why don’t we move on, how about fears, are you afraid of anything?
J: oh well I think any piece of ceramics will tell you the same thing. I am afraid of concrete. Being carried over concrete. Being placed on concrete, being around a hard rock floor. You know- with the breakage and everything. I didn’t mention this before but the back of my right ear is chipped off-extremely painful. A human picked me up right after the raku fire and dropped me because of my temperature. That was the scariest moment of my life, I would say. I was lucky nothing else came off me. Lucky also to still be in shock from the fire and smoke to truly feel the pain. But pfft, I would face my fears to be on a stage. Although I would prefer it if the floor of it were wooden. So maybe a more classy comedy club.
Int: Ah yes of course, thank you for sharing. And for our concluding questions, How do you want people to feel when they see you? How do you think most people see you?
J: Oh! An easy question. I want them to feel lucky. I am truly a work of art and they ought to respect that. I think how they see me now is a bit of an insult. They look at me and laugh and it makes me self conscious of my ears. But then I remember that there must be something wrong with them not me because my ears are truly a wonderful feature. Yes yes. They love me.
Int: Wow. Well. That concludes our interview. Good luck with your comedy bar carrier and good luck to your succulent as well. Thank you for being here.
J: My pleasure thank you for having me.
Hello everyone! Here's an interview with a pot I made, named Jonna. He is a raku-fired piece made of cone 04 clay, my first try at raku firing!
The interview was homework for my art class :D
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